Nonimmigrant Visas
Responding to USCIS Notices and appealing denials.
Submitting Requested Evidence and Rebutting USCIS Findings
A nonimmigrant is an individual who enters the United States for a temporary stay. Nonimmigrant Visa (NIV)
A Visa does not guarantee admission to the United States at port of entry. The following are the categories of nonimmigrant visas:
B-1 Visa: Temporary Business Visitors
B-2 Visa: Visitors for Pleasure
F Visas: Academic Students
M Visas: Vocational Students
J Visas: Exchange Students
H-1B Visas: Business Personnel
L Visas
B1/B2 Visa
Visa for business
Visa for pleasure
E1/E2 Visa
If you receive a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) it means a final decision has not been made on your case and you are being asked to further prove your eligibility for the immigration relief you are seeking, or establish you deserve a favorable decision based on the evidence you have submitted.
We are skilled and meticulous in our response to USCIS.
Responding to USCIS requires extensive knowledge of the immigration law. Failure to make the right or best argument to refute or rebut USCIS findings may result in a denial decision of your petition or application.
We are skilled and meticulous in our response to USCIS. Our knowledge of the law allows us to effectively use our legal skills to make the best argument for your case.
Time is of the essence when it comes to gathering the appropriate evidence and responding to USCIS.
Let us apply our expertise of the law and timely respond to USCIS on your behalf, or submit an appeal to the immigration court to revise an adverse USCIS decision.

F Visa
A Notice of Intent to Revoke (NOIR) is generally issued when USCIS discovers you were erroneously approved for a benefit for which you were not eligible at the time. If this notice is issued, you must respond to USCIS within 30 days rebutting their findings by providing evidence to show that you are eligible and you were properly granted the benefit.
H1B2/H2 Visas
If USCIS denies your petition or application based on adverse information, you are entitled to a notice of the denial reason(s) and an opportunity to rebut the adverse information.
J Visa
If your petition or application was denied, and the decision is appealable, you may appeal by filing Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion, with a brief supporting your appeal or motion. A brief in support of your appeal or m
Motion to Reopen or Reconsider
If your case has been administratively closed, you can submit a motion to reopen or reconsider the final decision.